Day 2…

So after what seemed like the most amazing night’s sleep I’ve ever had, it was time to start off Day 2 here in Portugal. After awaking to my teammate banging on my door, I rambled downstairs for breakfast. Post breakfast, it was more chill time before going to lunch with my main man Luis (sweetest mustache in the world) and a driving tour around the surrounding area. Within 10 minutes, we have a beach, and a much bigger city; which is great. The city, which is named Aveiro, has some canals in it like Venice… pretty crazy but amazingly beautiful!

Side story — at the beach, we got out and walked around for a bit. At a local ice cream spot, the waitress asked Luis (who is a 50 year old Portuguese guy who works for the club), if I was Lebron… Luis told her no with a smile, but it felt good to be confused with the 2nd best player in the league anyway ;).

After that long day, it was time for a short meeting with coach followed by my physical. Nothing crazy; I passed the physical and am ready to get to work tomorrow at our first practice. But I did learn that I have a very good blood glucose level, and am in no immediate danger of diabetes. Great huh? okay, off to rest… big day tomorrow! but I’d thought I’d leave you with 2 pictures from today; one was a quick flick from the beach and another is of the gym here in Ilhavo…